120 species were identified this year. The site was visited by one or more birdwatchers on almost every day of the year, although it was subject to rather less coverage than usual in spring and in early October.
During spring and autumn a total of 303 hours of ‘’skywatching’’ was made (a reduction of 24% compared to 2011). Although spring results were rather disappointing it was nevertheless a good year with 210 raptors noted flying over the park (only 6% fewer than the previous year). A summary of raptor migration may be found at the end of the report (Appendix I).
Two species were recorded for the first time : Little Egret and Goosander. Both were observed flying over the park.
Observers at Parc des Beaumonts in 2012 :
AK=Alexis Lamek AL= Alban Larousse CD= Céline Deschamps CF= Corentin Festoc DT= David Thorns GL= Guilhem Lesaffre GM=Gaell Mainguy GP= Guillaume Passy JA= Jacques Anjuerer LS= Laurent Spanneut OP= Olivier Laporte PD= Pierre Delbove PM= Philip Redman PR= Pierre Rousset QD= Quentin Dubost RP= Roland Paul RP= Romain Provost PV= Pierre Rivallin SC= Stéphane Chambris VG=Vincent Gilet YD=Yves Dabry YF= Yves Fleury-Collet
The status symbols employed are those employed by Pierre Rousset in the original birdlist :
C = Captive (escape)
E = Summer Visitor
F = Feral
H = Winter Visitor
M = Migrant
S = Resident
Great Cormorant (Grand cormoran) Phalacrocorax carbo M
Singles noted in winter on 9th January and the 16th December [DT].
Recorded regularly in spring from 4th February – 16th May, with a maximum of 151 on 1st April. Almost absent after 22nd April.
First reported in autumn (7 birds) on 15th August [PR/DT]. Observed regularly in autumn up to 20th November, with a maximum of 159 on 22nd September [CC,PR/DT].
Grey Heron (Héron cendré) Ardea cinerea S M
A single bird observed irregularly throughout the year, at the Mare Perchée or perched in the surrounding trees. 2 individuals on site on 16th March [DT].
Almost absent at the beginning of the year – observed for the first time on 25th January [RP].
Small numbers of ‘migrating’ birds occasionally noted on skywatches; for example 3 on 20th March and 2 on 4th May.
On the 19th June 3 small flocks (a total of 11 birds) were noted flying high in the sky to the southwest early in the morning [DT].
Purple Heron (Héron pourpré) Ardea purpurea M
1 record in spring.
1, 11th May [DT].
The bird flew high to the northeast early in the morning.
Photo:- Purple Heron; D.Thorns
Little Egret (Aigrette Garzette) Egretta garzetta M
1, 11th November [DT]
The bird was observed flying south in the early afternoon. This constitutes the first record for the park.
White Stork (Cigogne blanche) Ciconia ciconia M
Observed migrating over the park on 5 dates (3 in spring and 2 in autumn).
11, 5th February [DT] - 2, 21st March [SC/PR] - 1, 17th June [PR/DT].
3, 11th August [DT] - 2, 30th September [DT].
Mute Swan (Cygne tuberculé) Cygnus olor M
1 record in late spring.
5, 19th June [DT].
Greylag Goose (Oie cendrée) Anser anser M
Observed on 4 dates (2 in spring and 2 in autumn).
91, 19th February [PR/DT] - 15, 20th March [DT].
27, 27th October [JA/QD/PR/DT] - 25, 28th October [PR/DT]
Canada Goose (Bernache du Canada) Branta canadensis F
Observed flying overhead on 5 dates.
6, 15th February [PR] - 2, 4th March [PR] - 7, 8th March [DT] - 2, 9th April [DT] - 6, 8th September [DT].
Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorne Casarca) Casarca ferruginea F
One observation in early spring.
1, 15th March [DT].
The bird arrived in flight from the southwest at dawn. It spent
several minutes on site, feeding and swimming at the edges
of the Mare Perchée before taking off and flying away to the
Photo:- Ruddy Shelduck; D.Thorns, 15th March 2012
Mallard (Canard colvert) Anas platyrhynchos S M
Small numbers seen irregularly throughout the year, although
present principally from late January to late June. A pair bred
successfully at the Mare Perchée for the fourth consecutive year.
A pair noted on site for the first time on 24th January, about
10 days earlier than in 2011 [DT]. Apparently then not
observed (absent?) until the 22nd February. ‘Installed’ at the
Mare Perchée by the 8th March [PR]. During March, as in 2011,
frequent battles observed between 2 pairs present: around the
19th both males could be seen chasing off the ‘opposing’
female, as well as engaging in aggressive behaviour with each
other [DT].
As was the case last year a group of 4 males also visted the
site in spring. On the 5th April these birds were present at the
Mare Perchée as well as the nesting pair.
Photo:-Mallard; D.Thorns, 23rd April 2012
Breeding confirmed with the appearance of 10 ducklings on 23rd April (3 days later than in 2011). This number was reduced to 6 (27th April), 4 (4th May), 3 (5th May) and 2 (18th May). The 2 remaining ducklings were then observed daily until the 17th June. Very few observations (almost absent) after the 25th June, when one juvenile was present in the company of an adult male and female [PR].
Eurasian Teal (Sarcelle d'hiver) Anas crecca H M
One record in spring.
6, 15th March [DT].
The small flock was flushed from the Mare Perchée at dawn, having presumably roosted overnight there. They circled the pond several times before disappearing.
Goosander (Harle bièvre) Mergus merganser M
One record in early spring.
1, 19th February [PR/DT].
The bird flew east along the river valley in the middle of the afternoon. It constitutes the first record for Beaumonts.
Osprey (Balbuzard pecheur) Pandion haliaetus M
Recorded on 6 dates (1 in spring and 5 in autumn).
1, 1st May [PR].
1, 11th August [DT] - 1, 8th September [PR/DT]
- 1, 23rd September [DT] – 1, 29th September [DT]
– 1, 27th October [DT].
Photo:- Osprey; D.Thorns, 23rd September 2012
Red Kite (Milan royal) Milvus milvus M
Observed migrating over the park on 4 dates in autumn.
1, 28th September [PR] – 1, 29th September [DT] – 1, 21st October [DT] – 2, 22nd October [OL].
See Appendix I & II.
Black Kite (Milan noir) Milvus migrans M
Observed on 3 dates in spring.
1, 22nd April [DT] – 1, 5th May [DT] – 1, 12th May [SC/DT].
See Appendix I & II
Marsh Harrier (Busard des roseaux) Circus aeruginosus M
Recorded flying over the park on 16 dates (8 in spring and 8 in autumn). At least 26 birds are involved.
3, 18th March [SC] – 1, 21st March [SC/PR] - 1, 1st April [CF/GL/PR/DT] – 1, 3rd April [DT] – 1, 27th April [PR] – 1, 12th May [SC/PR] – 1, 13th May [DT] – 1, 20th May [PR].
2, 1st September [DT] – 1, 15th September [DT] – 1, 16th September [DT] – 1, 23rd September [SC/QD] – 1, 28th September [PR] – 7, 29th September [DT/PR] – 1, 30th September [DT] – 2, 7th October [SC/PR].
Marsh Harrier - migration 2012 (source:
Hen Harrier (Busard Saint-Martin) Circus cyaneus M
Recorded on 3 dates in autumn.
1, 22nd October [CC/DT] , 1, 29th September [PR/DT] - 1, 21st October [DT].
See Appendix I & II
Montagu’s Harrier (Busard cendré) Circus pygargus M
1 record in autumn.
1, 16th August [PR].
The bird was a juvenile and flew exceptionally low over the park at 14h50. It is possible that the bird may have landed somewhere on site.
See Appendix I.
Common Buzzard (Buse variable) Buteo buteo M
A very good year in comparison with 2011. Noted on 8
dates in spring and 17 dates in autumn. Exceptionally
noted also in winter (1 record in December). At least
101 birds are involved.
1, 22nd February – 1, 11th March – 1, 21st March
- 2, 1st May – 1, 8th March – 1, 12th March – 1, 13th
March – 2, 20th March.
2, 19th August – 2, 1st September – 4, 8th September
– 4, 22nd September – 5, 23rd September – 2, 28th
September – 4, 29th September – 8, 30th September
- 8, 7th October – 5, 12th October – 9, 21st October
– 2, 22nd October – 2, 23rd October – 1, 25th October
– 10, 27th October – 21, 28th October - 1, 6th
1, 2nd December [DT].
Photo:- Common Buzzard : D.Thorns, 8th September 2012
Common Buzzard - migration 2012 (source:
Honey-Buzzard (Bondrée apivore) Pernis apivorus M
Observed migrating over the park on 12 dates (4 in
spring and 8 in autumn). At least 48 birds are involved.
3, 12th May [SC/PR/DT] - 8, 20th May [PR/DT] - 1,
2nd June [SC/DT] – 1, 17th June [DT].
1, 11th August [DT] - 2, 18th August [PR/DT]
- 6, 19th August [DT] – 1, 23rd August [PM] – 5, 25th
August [DT] – 18, 26th August [PR/DT] - 1, 1st
September [PR/DT] – 1, 2nd September [PR/DT].
Photo:- Honey Buzzard : D.Thorns, 19th August 2012.
Honey-buzzard - migration 2012 (source:
[Unidentified larger raptors] (Grands rapaces non identifié)
Unidentified larger raptors reported on 14 dates.
17 individuals are involved (6 in spring and 8 in autumn).
See Appendix I.
Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Epervier d’Europe) Accipiter nisus S
Regularly recorded (usually 1-3 individuals) throughout the year. Breeding confirmed for a sixth consecutive year in the woodland bordering the Parc Mabille with begging calls from juveniles heard in this area at the end of July and early August (as was the case in 2007-2011).
Juveniles noted for the first time on 20th July (the same date as last year) flying around the Bois de Bordure [YC].
In spring and (especially) autumn small numbers of migrating birds occasionally noted on skywatches, (observed on 9 dates in autumn between the 23rd August – 10th November, with a maximum of 3 on 21st October).
Eurasian Kestrel (Faucon crécerelle) Falco tinnunculus S M
Breeding in the immediate vicinity of the park, 1-3 birds (usually 1) noted almost daily.
Although the vast majority of sightings refer to local birds, some were apparently in active migration (ex: 1, 16th March and 2, 21st October [DT]).
Eurasian Hobby (Faucon hobereau) Falco subbuteo E M
Up to 3 birds noted occasionally in spring, summer and autumn.
Noted rather less frequently this year compared to 2011 (16 observations in total). As usual, birds noted hunting hirundines together high above and around the park at the end of August (2 on 26th [DT]).
First recorded in spring on 29th April [DT] - last autumn sighting on 16th September [PR].
Peregrine Falcon (Faucon pèlerin) Falco peregrinus R M
The regular presence of 2 birds at the nearby Porte d’Ivry (94) has made the species less of a rarity. Recorded on 6 dates (far fewer than in 2011).
1, 19th February [PR/DT] - 1, 22nd February [PR] - 1, 18th March [SC/PR/DT] - 1, 15th May [DT] - 1, 16th August [PR] - 1, 28th September [PR].
Merlin (Faucon émerillon) Falco columbarius M
2 records in autumn.
1, 21st October [DT] - 1, 27th October [DT].
As usual, the observations were of birds in active migration, flying quickly and purposefully to the southwest.
Common Moorhen (Poule d’eau) Gallinula chloropus S
A familiar resident breeding species with 1-9 birds observed almost daily throughout the year.
Breeding confirmed at the Mare de Brie and the Mare Perchée, a pair at each location producing two broods. Copulation observed at the Mare Perchée in the early morning of 19th April [DT]. A chick observed for the first time there on 27th April [PR], and at the Mare de Brie on 5th May [DT].
Confirmation of second broods at each location with two chicks at the Mare de Brie and one at the Mare Perchée on 17th June [DT].
It is highly probable that the healthy population of rats at the Mare Perchée is responsible for the loss of several young birds.
Northern Lapwing (Vanneau huppé) Vanellus vanellus H M
Seen flying over the park in small groups on 4 dates in autumn.
125, 7th October [PR] - 240+, 21st October [DT] - 2, 1st November [DT] - 1, 10th November [DT].
Common Sandpiper (Chevalier guignette) Actitis hypoleucos M
1 record in spring.
1, 4th May [DT].
Green Sandpiper (Chevalier cul-blanc) Tringa ochropus M
Observed on 4 occasions (3 in spring and 1 in autumn).
1, 3rd April [DT] - 1, 4th April [DT] - 1, 3rd May [DT].
1, 25th July [DT].
Eurasian Woodcock (Bécasse des bois) Scolopax rusticola M H
Observed on 2 dates in spring.
1, 13th March [DT] - 1, 9th April [DT].
Common Snipe (Bécassine des marais) Gallinago gallinago M
One observation in spring.
1, 13th March [DT].
The bird flew northwards over the park early in the morning.
Black-headed Gull (Mouette rieuse) Larus ridibundus S M
Low numbers (generally 1-10 birds) observed flying over the park fairly regularly in winter, early spring and autumn. Uncommon and irregular from late April to mid-September.
Larger numbers sometimes noted in winter, particularly February, with a maximum of 161 on the 19th February [PR/DT]. In March (up until the 21st), small groups noted flying northwards in the early mornings [DT].
Occasionally noted landing on site; for example, at the Mare Perchee on 31st October [DT], and on a lamp post inside the Tip on 6th February [PR].
Mediterranean Gull (Mouette mélanocéphale) Larus melanocephalus M
Observed migrating over the park on 2 dates in spring.
1, 8th March [PR] - 3, 5th May [DT].
Common Gull (Goéland cendré) Larus canus S M
Rather uncommon in all seasons – noted on 5 dates.
1, 1st January [PR/DT] - 1, 7th February [PR] - 1, 12th February [DT] - 3, 19th February [PR/DT].
1, 12th July [DT].
Herring Gull (Goéland argenté) Larus argentatus S M
Small numbers seen regularly (usually 1-2 birds) in winter, spring and autumn.
Recorded especially in February and March when greater numbers sometimes noted (for example, a group of 20 flying west on 9th March [DT]).
Rather uncommon and irregular after the third week in March.
Yellow-legged Gull (Goéland leucophée) Larus michahellis H M
Observed less frequently than the preceding species, and there were fewer records compared to 2011. Noted on 8 dates (6 in spring and 2 in autumn).
1, 2nd February [PR] - 1, 12th February [DT] - 2, 4th April [DT] - 7, 8th April [DT] - 1, 21st April [PR/DT] - 6, 27th April [PR].
6, 23rd September [SC/QD/DT] - 4, 27th October [JA/PR/DT].
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Goéland brun) Larus fuscus S M
Relatively common - reported in small numbers in winter, spring and autumn.
A maximum of 13 noted on 27th October [DT]. Not recorded during June and July.
[Unidentified larger gulls] (Goéland indéterminé) Larus spp
Unidentified larger gulls regularly noted in small numbers in winter, spring and autumn. Occasionally larger groups noted (ex: 27 on 29th February [DT]).
Common Tern (Sterne pierregarin) Sterne hirundo M
One record in spring.
1 flying south on 9th April [DT].
Photo:- Common Tern: D.Thorns
Rock Dove (Pigeon biset) Columba livia S
Common resident – seen daily.
Stock Dove (Pigeon colombin) Columba oenas S M
A reasonably common non-breeding resident. Observed fairly regularly flying over the park throughout the year in low numbers (usually 1-3 birds). Up to 3 birds observed perched on buildings to the north-east (and outside) of the park where breeding is suspected.
As usual small groups sometimes noted flying eastwards in spring. Display-flights noted occasionally inside the park in spring: for example on the 8th and 17th March and the 27th August [DT].
Common Wood-Pigeon (Pigeon ramier) Columba palumbus S M
Common breeding resident – seen daily.
Small numbers on site supplemented by local movements of birds flying over the park in diverse directions. Many large groups flying northeast during the early mornings in August and September [DT].
Post breeding (from the end of June) groups comprising adults and juveniles regularly noted on the lawns in the northern section of the park.
Flocks on migration noted occasionally, for example: 90, 9th March [PR] – 110, 27th October [JA/QD/PR/DT] – 180, 6th November [PR].
Eurasian Collared-Dove (Tourterelle turque) Streptopelia decaocto S
Fairly common resident. 1-2 birds regularly observed in flight or (rarely) perched in trees at the Mare Perchée or inside the re-cycling plant.
Turtle Dove (Tourterelle des bois) Streptopelia turtur M
Uncommon migrant. Recorded on 4 dates (3 in spring and
1 in autumn).
2, 1st May [DT] - 1, 10th May [DT] - 1, 15th May [DT].
1, 9th August [DT].
Since s.turtur is only very rarely observed landing on site,
the bird on 15th May was particularly interesting - it was
found singing from a tree close to the Cascade in the early
Photo:- Turtle Dove: D.Thorns, 15th May 2012
Tawny Owl (Chouette hulotte) Strix aluco S M
Heard several times in summer (July and August), generally between 04h00-05h00 [YF].
Common Swift (Martinet noir) Apus apus E M
A common summer visitor, seen daily.
Noted for the first time on 13th April [DT]. Last recorded on 8th September [PR/DT].
Generally fewer birds than usual noted this year. First notable influx (c60 birds) on 27th April [PR]. Noted apparently breeding at a building close by, on rue Galilee, on 19th June [DT].
Small groups of migrants noted flying south (100+) on 1st August [DT].
Less frequently observed after the third week of August. Last observation (29 birds) on 8th September [PR/DT].
Photo:- Common Swift: D.Thorns, 10th May 2012.
Rose-ringed Parakeet (Perruche à collier) Psittacula krameri F
Reasonably common non-breeding species. Single birds and/or small flocks seen or heard irregularly throughout the year flying noisily over the park, most often towards the northeast.
Apparently absent at the beginning of the year – first recorded on 2nd March [PR]. No records in June or July. Maximum of 17 birds on 30th September [DT]. Although noted very occasionally landing on site (for example on the 16th March [DT]), this behaviour remains relatively rare.
Cockateil (Calopsitte élégante) Nymphicus Hollandicus C
1 observation in spring.
1, 22nd May [OL].
Green Woodpecker (Pic vert) Picus viridis S
At least one resident breeding pair in or around the park – seen or heard almost daily throughout the year.
At least 1 juvenile observed during the late summer and autumn (first noted on 12th July [DT]).
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Pic épeiche) Dendrocopos major S
At least one resident breeding pair in or around the park – seen or heard almost daily throughout the year.
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Pic épeichette) Dendrocopos minor S
A discreet and rather uncommon resident. 1-2 birds observed irregularly throughout the year.
Observed drumming in the Parc Mabille on 29th January [DT].
Breeding confirmed by an individual carrying food, and flying repeatedly over the Cascade (roughly 3 times per hour), on 7 consecutive days from 7th-13th May [QD/PR/DT].
Eurasian Wryneck (Torcol) Jynx torquilla M
1 record in spring.
1, 29th April [DT].
Photo:- Wryneck: D.Thorns, 29th April 2012
Eurasian Skylark (Alouette des champs) Alauda arvensis M
Reasonably common passage migrant in spring and autumn, seen or heard flying high over the park.
Noted for the first time in spring on 19th February [DT]. Observed thereafter on 8 dates up to 16th March, with a maximum of 23 on 4th March [SC/PR/DT].
First appearance in autumn on 19th October [OL]. Noted thereafter on 7 dates up to 5th November [JA], with a maximum of 172 on 19th October [OL].
Woodlark (Alouette lulu) Lullula arborea M
A regular but uncommon passage migrant.
Observed on only 1 date (in autumn) this year. The birds flew, unusually, towards the south-east.
3, 21st October [DT].
Bank Swallow (Hirondelle de rivage) Riparia riparia E M
Rather uncommon but regular passage migrant in spring and autumn.
Fewer observations in comparison with 2011. Noted on 4 dates (1 in spring, 1 in summer and 2 in autumn).
1, 13th May [DT] - 1, 12th July [DT] - 2, 12th August [DT] - 1, 19th August [DT].
Barn Swallow (Hirondelle de cheminée) Hirundo rustica E M
Common passage migrant in spring and autumn. Almost absent in summer (June-July).
First recorded in spring on 1st April [CF/GL/PR/DT]. Spring migrants noted in small numbers almost daily up to 20th May with a peak of 19 on 28th April.
Autumn migrants noted regularly from 11th August – 11th November (2 birds) [DT]. Maximum of 110 on 16th September [PR/DT].
House Martin (Hirondelle de fenêtre) Delichon urbicum E M
Fairly common passage migrant in spring and autumn. Small numbers noted irregularly throughout the summer.
First recorded on 14th April [DT]. Last sighting on 12th October [DT].
In spring 1-10 birds noted regularly up to 13th May.
An individual apparently migrating north-east flew over the Cascade early in the morning on 19th June [DT].
Small numbers noted in autumn from 12th August – 12th October, with a maximum of 38 on 29th September [PR/DT].
Meadow Pipit (Pipit farlouse) Anthus pratensis M
A fairly common passage migrant in spring and (especially) autumn.
Recorded exceptionally in winter: 2, 5th February [DT] , 3, 6th February [PR] , 2, 9th February [PR] - 1, 8th December [CF/DT] , 1, 15th December [PR].
The appearance of the birds on 5th February followed overnight snow.
Observed in spring from 13th March – 22nd April, with a maximum of 58 on 14th April [DT].
Absent in summer. First noted in autumn on 6th September. Small numbers observed irregularly thereafter until 21st October, with a feeble peak of 15 on 5th October [PR].
Tree Pipit (Pipit des arbres) Anthus trivialis M
Reasonably common passage migrant in spring and autumn.
First recorded in spring on 5th April [DT]. Observed regularly
thereafter until 7th May. Notable fall during the misty morning of
28th April when at least 12 birds were found on site [DT].
First noted in autumn on 13th August. Small numbers (1-5 birds)
noted fairly regularly up to 29th September [DT].
Photo:- Tree Pipit: D.Thorns, 29th April 2012.
Tawny Pipit (Pipit rousseline) Anthus campestris M
Rare passage migrant. 1 observation in early autumn.
1, 18th August [DT].
The bird was seen and heard flying south-west over the Coffee Dome early in the morning.
White Wagtail (Bergeronnette grise) Motacilla alba M
A fairly common passage migrant in spring and autumn.
First reported in spring on 3rd March [DT]. Small numbers noted regularly thereafter until 13th April, with a maximum of 17 on 22nd March.
Absent in summer. Noted in autumn from 29th September – 31st October with a maximum of 62 on 5th October [PR].
Blue-headed Wagtail (Bergeronnette printanière) Motacilla flava flava M
Passage migrant noted in spring and autumn.
First reported in spring on 7th April [DT]. Small numbers noted on 7 further dates until 3rd May.
Observed for the first time in autumn on 18th August [DT]. Up to 13 birds noted on 7 further dates up to and including 11th September.
Grey Wagtail (Bergeronnette des ruisseaux) Motacilla cinerea S M
A rather uncommon and irregular non-breeding resident and passage migrant.
As usual observed mainly during the second half of the year. No records between 12th March – 24th August.
Small numbers or (more often) singletons noted fairly regularly during the last 4 months of the year. Birds apparently migrating south noted on 6 dates from 13th September – 5th October.
Winter Wren (Troglodyte mignon) Troglodytes troglodytes S
Common breeding resident – usually 1-4 birds seen or heard daily throughout the year.
Dunnock (Accenteur mouchet) Prunella modularis S M
Common breeding resident – 1-4 birds seen almost daily.
As usual many birds singing during the second half of February and in March, making them much easier to see (far more discreet in summer).
European Robin (Rougegorge familier) Erithacus rubecula S M
Common breeding resident – 1-4 birds seen almost daily.
Like the preceding species, discreet during the breeding season. 1 juvenile observed on 1st September [DT]. Several singing birds noted on 6th November [PR].
Daily totals bolstered slightly in early spring and autumn by migrants (for example, 8 on 20th October).
Common Nightingale (Rossignol philomèle) Luscinia megarhynchos E M
Fewer observations in comparison with 2011. 1-2 breeding pairs estimated.
First recorded in spring on 19th April, an individual singing at its traditional site on the Sentier des Vergers, just opposite the house at 108 rue de Quatre Ruelles [DT].
Thereafter 1-2 individuals seen or heard quite regularly until 24th May [JA/PR]. ‘’At Least’’ 2 singing birds present on 27th April [DT].
As usual, autumn migrants noted on site from mid-August. Recorded on 4 dates: 1, 13th August – 2, 18th August – 2, 27th August – 1, 1st September [DT].
Black Redstart (Rougequeue noir) Phoenicurus ochruros M
Rather irregular and uncommon migrant. Absent during the summer (although breeding in the immediate vicinity of the park). 1-6 birds noted on 14 dates (5 in spring and 9 in autumn). In autumn observed most often atop the buildings to the north-east (and outside of) the park.
3, 15th March [PR/DT] - 1, 16th March [DT] - 1, 22nd March [DT] - 1, 29th March [PR] - 1, 13th April [DT].
6, 16th September [DT] - 1, 19th September [PR] - 2, 22nd September [PR/DT] - 2, 29th and 30th September [DT] - 1, 5th October [PR] - 1, 20th and 21st October [DT] - 2, 22nd October [OL].
Common Redstart (Rougequeue à front blanc) Phoenicurus phoenicurus M
Uncommon migrant. Observed on 11 dates (4 in spring and 7 in autumn).
1, 7th April [DT] - 1, 8th April [DT] - 1, 28th April - 1, 24th May [JA].
1, 18th August [DT] – 1, 24th August [DT] - 2, 1st September [PR/DT] - 1, 6th September [DT] - 1, 13th September [DT] - 1, 19th September [PR] - 1, 23rd September [CF/DT].
European Stonechat (Traquet pâtre) Saxicola rubicola M
Uncommon passage migrant. Observed on 3 dates
(1 in spring and 2 in autumn).
1, 15th March [PR/DT].
1, 16th September [PR/DT] - 1, 19th October [OL].
Photo:- European Stonechat: D.Thorns, 15th March 2012
Ring Ouzel (Merle à plastron) Turdus torquatus M
Uncommon but regular migrant. 1-4 birds noted on 8 dates (6 in spring and 2 in autumn).
1, 29th March [PR] - 1, 11th April [DT] - 1, 28th April [DT] - 1, 30th April [DT] - 4, 3rd May [DT] - 2, 5th May [DT].
1, 28th September [PR] - 1, 19th October [OL].
Common Blackbird (Merle noir) Turdus merula S M
Common breeding resident. Small numbers (usually 1-5 birds) seen daily. Higher daily totals noted sometimes in late autumn and winter (for example, 25 on 29th January [DT]).
Fieldfare (Grive litorne) Turdus pilaris H M
Uncommon migrant in late autumn, spring and in winter. Noted (especially flying over the park) in small numbers on 9 dates from 9th February – 9th April. Observed on 6 dates in autumn.
1, 9th February – 2, 17th February – 5, 20th February - 1, 11th March – 2, 15th March – 2, 21st March – 1, 22nd March – 4, 29th March - 2, 9th April.
17, 27th October – 3, 28th October – 2, 6th November – 1, 7th November – 20, 10th November – 8, 11th November.
Song Thrush (Grive musicienne) Turdus philomelos S M
Rather discreet but common breeding resident – at least 3 breeding pairs estimated. 1-5 birds usually seen or heard daily. Passage migrants increase the numbers observed in spring and autumn.
Singing noted on 28th January [PR]. Several singing birds on site in early March. A notable fall on 3rd March with at least 15 birds on site [DT]. Up to 45 noted daily in late March/early April.
More discreet in summer. Juvenile noted the 1st June [OL]. Compared to previous years rather feeble numbers in autumn (migration noted especially from 5th-30th October).
Redwing (Grive mauvis) Turdus iliacus H M
Reasonably common migrant in spring and autumn – observed irregularly in small numbers in winter.
1-10 birds present at the beginning of the year. Migration noted in spring on 16 dates from 20th February – 22nd March, with a maximum of 28 on 22nd March. As was the case last year, a solitary individual noted on site in April (on 11th [DT]).
First observed in autumn on 13th October. Migrants noted thereafter up to 7th November with a maximum of 32 on 20th October. Not recorded in December.
Mistle Thrush (Grive draine) Turdus viscivorus S M
Reasonably common resident with 1-3 birds seen almost daily in early spring, autumn and (especially) winter. Breeding probable either in or very close to the park. Very discreet and seldomly observed in late spring and summer (almost absent between late March – late September).
Small numbers observed on migration: in spring noted on 7 dates from 12th – 29th March. In autumn 1-5 birds noted flying over the park towards the south on 3 occasions between 13th – 22nd October.
Grasshopper Warbler (Locustelle tachetée) Locustella naevia M
Rare migrant. 1 observation in spring.
1, 11th April [DT].
The bird sang early in the morning, just a few metres from the Mare Perchée (from the same bush where a singing individual was found in spring 2010).
Eurasian Reed-Warbler (Rousserolle effarvatte) Acrocephalus scirpaceus E M
Another disappointing year: as in 2011 a.scirpaceus was more discreet than usual. 1-2 birds observed irregularly in spring at the Mare Perchée (although just as often observed away from it). Breeding possible but not confirmed.
First recorded in spring on 27th April [DT]. Observed for the last time on 22nd October [PR].
Not recorded from 23rd May – 7th July. Autumn migrants noted on 5 dates:
1, 5th September [DT], 1, 13th October [DT], 1, 20th & 21st October [DT], 2, 22nd October [PR].
The severe cutting of the reedbed at the Mare Perchée by the authorities in early spring is no doubt having a detrimental effect on the well-being of this species at Beaumonts.
Marsh Warbler (Rousserolle verderolle) Acrocephalus palustris E M
Very uncommon passage migrant. Recorded on 3 dates in spring.
1, 24th May [PR] - 1, 30th May [DT] - 1, 17th June [PR/DT].
The last two observations might concern the same individual; the birds
sang from the tall weeds at the Compost, just a few metres from the
Photo:-Marsh Warbler: D.Thorns, 30th May 2012
Sedge Warbler (Phragmite des joncs) Acrocephalus schoenobaenus M
Rather rare passage migrant. 1 observation in spring.
1, 28th April [DT].
The bird was found at dawn in the reed bed at the Mare Perchée. It was one of many migrants which had apparently fallen overnight.
Garden Warbler (Fauvette des jardins) Sylvia borin E M
Reasonably common summer visitor, breeding on site. 1-2 breeding pairs estimated.
First reported in spring on 1st May [DT]. Heard singing regularly until 7th July. Discreet and seldomly observed in summer – only one observation in August (14th [DT]).
Noted twice in September: 1, 7th [PR] , and 1, 15th [DT].
Blackcap (Fauvette à tête noire) Sylvia atricapilla H E M
Common summer visitor and passage migrant – seen or heard daily between 16th March – 24th October (the last observation of the year). As in 2011 (and contrary to preceeding years) relatively few birds on site in late autumn.
Noted once in winter at the beginning of the year (1 on 28th January [PR]). First noted in spring on 1st March [PR]. At least 20 birds on site (including many singing males) on 19th April [DT].
Lesser Whitethroat (Fauvette babillarde) Sylvia curruca E M
It would seem that this attractive species is no longer breeding on site. Nevertheless an improvement on 2011 with 6 records in spring (none in autumn). Noted singing from the Savanna on several dates.
1, 28th April [DT] – 1, 29th April [DT] – 1, 1st May [DT] – 1, 4th May [DT] – 1, 11th May [DT] – 1, 28th May [PR].
Common Whitethroat (Fauvette grisette) Sylvia communis E
A fairly common summer visitor, seen or heard daily. A rather poor year with notably fewer birds on site than in 2011. 1-2 breeding pairs estimated.
Arrival on site in spring later than usual – first reported on 27th April [PR]. Last observed in autumn on 8th September [PR/DT].
Melodious Warbler (Hypolaïs polyglotte) Hippolais polyglotta E M
Fairly common summer visitor, usually breeding on site. A poor year – breeding possible but not confirmed.
First reported in spring on 4th May [DT]. Seen or heard fairly regularly thereafter until 2nd June [PR]. Not reported after this date, except for a presumed migrant found in the Petite Prairie early in the morning on 13th August [DT].
Willow Warbler (Pouillot fitis) Phylloscopus trochilus E M
A rather uncommon non-breeding species noted in spring, late summer and autumn.
First recorded in spring on 27th March [DT]. Not observed thereafter until 25th April. 1-4 birds then noted daily until 4th May.
Not recorded from 5th May-1st August.
1 singing on 18th August [DT]. Noted regularly at the end of August and the beginning of September. Last recorded on 14th September [DT].
Wood Warbler (Pouillot siffleur) Phylloscopus sibilatrix M
2 records in spring.
1, 28th April [DT] - 1, 24th May [PR].
The April bird was one of an impressive fall of migrants: visibly agitated it roamed around the Parc Mabille during the early morning, singing intermittently. The May bird was also singing – it was found along the Sentier des Vergers, in exactly the same place where the observer had found one the previous year.
Common Chiffchaff (Pouillot véloce) Phylloscopus collybita E M
Common summer visitor, seen daily. At least 5 breeding pairs estimated.
Present on site in winter at the beginning of the year: 1-2 birds noted from 1st-11th January [JA/PR/DT].
First recorded in spring on 9th March (song) [PR/DT]. Thereafter up to 10 birds noted daily throughout the spring and summer. Observed nest-building on 28th April [GP].
As in 2011 (and contrary to preceeding years), rather feeble presence in autumn (generally 1-6 birds noted daily in August-October).
Fewer birds in November: 1-2 observed irregularly up to 24th November. Reported once in December (1 on 24th [PR]).
Goldcrest (Roitelet huppé) Regulus regulus S M
Rather uncommon resident – breeding unconfirmed.
Small numbers (1-6 birds) at the beginning and the end of the year. Not reported from 19th March – 21st October.
Firecrest (Roitelet triple-bandeau) Regulus ignicapillus S M
Rather uncommon resident. Breeding possible but not confirmed.
1-3 birds present in winter at the beginning of the year – noted on 8 dates from 1st January – 29th February [JA/PR/DT]. A singing male observed on 9th March [PR] and 11th March [DT]. A singing bird noted in the Savanna on 1st May [DT].
Not reported from 1st May – 27th August.
Almost absent at the end of the year (noted on 3 dates during September – December).
Spotted Flycatcher (Gobemouche gris) Muscicapa striata M
Rather uncommon passage migrant in spring and autumn. Observed on 7 dates (4 in spring and 3 in autumn)
2, 30th April [DT] - 1, 1st May [DT] - 1, 4th May [DT] - 1, 18th May [DT].
1, 18th August [DT] - 1, 21st August [DT] - 1, 23rd August [DT].
European Pied Flycatcher (Gobemouche noir) Ficedula hypoleuca M
Passage migrant recorded on 13 dates (2 in spring and 11 in autumn)
1, 28th April [DT] - 1, 30th April [DT].
1, 13th August [DT] - 2, 14th August [DT] - 1, 15th August [DT] - 1, 17th August [PR] - 1, 18th August [DT] - 1, 31st August [DT] - 3, 1st September [PR/DT] - 1, 4th September [DT] - 1, 7th September [PR] - 3, 8th September [DT] - 1, 9th September [PR].
Great Tit (Mésange charbonnière) Parus major S M
Common breeding resident – usually 1-6 birds seen daily.
Coal Tit (Mésange noire) Parus ater H M
Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant.
This was a good year: observed for the first time on 30th September [SC/DT]. 1-5 birds noted fairly regularly thereafter (especially in the northern section of the park) until the 8th December.
Photo:- Coal Tit: D.Thorns, 10th November 2012
Eurasian Blue Tit (Mésange bleue) Parus caeruleus S M
Common breeding resident, although slightly less numerous than p.major - usually 1-4 birds seen daily.
Crested Tit (Mésange huppée) Parus cristatus H M
Very uncommon. Recorded on 3 dates (1 in spring and 2 in autumn).
3, 4th March [SC/PR] - 1, 22nd October [PR] - 1, 7th November [PR].
The birds were observed among the conifers in the northern section of the park.
Marsh Tit (Mésange nonnette) Parus palustris S
A good year for this species which makes its return after an absence of almost 2 years. Noted on 11 dates at the end of the year, from 18th August – 10th November. An isolated pair, roaming independently of tit-flocks, was present at the end of August and the beginning of September [DT].
1, 18th August - 1, 23rd August - 1, 24th August - 2, 26th August - 2, 27th August - 2, 2nd September - 1, 8th September - 3+, 29th September - 1, 5th October - 1, 21st October - 1, 10th November.
Long-tailed Tit (Mésange à longue queue) Aegithalos caudatus S
Fairly common resident – 1 or 2 breeding pairs.
Up to 12 birds seen irregularly throughout the year. A pair observed constructing a nest at the Jean-Moulin Entrance on 3rd March [DT]. A nest found on 10th March at the Saudelier Entrance [PR]. Juveniles noted for the first time on 10th June [OL].
True to form, a caudatus was either very discreet or absent for a period in summer (no records between 1st June – 15th August).
Eurasian Nuthatch (Sittelle torchepot) Sitta europaea S
Inexplicably scarce at Beaumonts. A good year with 2 birds noted on several occasions towards the end of the year.
1, 29th January [PR] - 1, 3rd March [PR].
1-2 birds observed on 14 dates from 29th August (a pair regularly noted from 8th-23rd September [DT]).
1, 26th December [PR].
Short-toed Treecreeper (Grimpereau des jardins) Certhia brachydactyla S
Fairly common breeding resident (at least 2 pairs estimated). Singletons observed regularly throughout the year, although the species is more discreet in spring and early summer (especially from mid March – mid August).
Common Magpie (Pie bavarde) Pica pica S
Common breeding resident – usually 5-20 birds seen daily.
Eurasian Jay (Geai des chênes) Garrulus glandarius S M
Fairly common breeding resident - usually 1-3 birds seen daily.
Unlike 2011, visible migration noted in autumn: observed on 11 dates from 2nd September – 21st October, with a maximum of 16 on 15th September [PR/DT].
Eurasian Jackdaw (Choucas des tours) Corvus monedula H M
Uncommon. Recorded on 5 dates.
1, 2nd February [PR] - 5, 22nd February [PR] - 3, 7th March [DT].
c28, 13th October [DT] - 21, 21st October [PR/DT].
Rook (Corbeau freux) Corvus frugilegus M
A rather uncommon migrant. Records typically involve small, loose groups of less than 10 birds flying purposefully overhead. Recorded rather less frequently than in 2011, during the months of February, March, May, October and November.
Noted in spring on 9 dates between 2nd February – 7th May.
Observed in autumn on 9 dates between 7th October – 10th November.
Carrion Crow (Corneille noire) Corvus corone S
Common breeding resident. Usually between 1-10 birds noted daily.
Larger numbers occasionally present (for example, a flock of 25 on 21st October [DT]).
European Starling (Etourneau sansonnet) Sturnus vulgaris S M
Common resident, breeding inside the park. Small numbers observed daily.
Migration observed in spring between 29th February – 21st March. Noted on 7 dates with a maximum of 23 flying east on 9th March [DT].
Observed apparently migrating in autumn on 12 dates from 14th September – 6th November with a peak around the 20th-21st October (432 birds noted flying west on 20th [DT]).
Eurasian Golden Oriole (Loriot d’Europe) Oriolus oriolus M
1, 28th April [DT] - 1, 30th April [DT] - 1, 24th May [JA].
The bird present on 28th April was a superb singing male, and one of many migrants which had apparently fallen overnight.
House Sparrow (Moineau domestique) Passer domesticus S
Fairly common resident breeding near the park – usually 1-4 birds seen almost daily.
Chaffinch (Pinson des arbres) Fringilla coelebs S M
Fairly common in winter with small numbers seen daily. Discreet and rarely seen in summer (although a singing male was heard regularly in June and July).
Common passage migrant in early spring: noted flying northeast on 21 dates from 29th February – 14th April, with a maximum of 187 on 13th March [DT].
Migration noted at the end of autumn with average numbers flying southwest between 29th September – 11th November. Maximum of 164 on 19th October [OL].
Brambling (Pinson du nord) Fringilla montifringilla H M
Uncommon but fairly regular winter visitor and passage migrant. Apparently not present this year on site in winter. Migration noted in spring and autumn.
Just 2 records in spring: up to 12 birds noted on 2 dates in March (the 10th [DT] and 23rd [PR]).
In autumn noted for the first time on 19th October [OL]. Small numbers seen thereafter on 9 dates up to 11th November.
Eurasian Linnet (Linotte mélodieuse) Linaria cannabina M
Fairly common migrant noted on passage in spring and autumn.
First recorded in spring on 11th March [SC/PR/DT]. Small numbers noted thereafter on 18 dates up to 12th May.
First seen in autumn (17 birds) on 5th October [PR]. Noted on 7 further dates up to 11th November.
Lesser Redpoll (Sizerin cabaret) Acanthis cabaret H M
Uncommon winter visitor and migrant.
Observed flying over the park on 3 dates (1 in spring and 2 in autumn).
1, 8th April [DT].
5, 21st October [DT] – 1, 27th October [DT].
European Goldfinch (Chardonneret élégant) Carduelis carduelis S M
Reasonably common resident, breeding in or near the park. Small numbers noted fairly regularly, although rarely seen in summer (only one report between 17th May – 29th September).
Present on site in winter – a flock of c25 birds noted regularly in November- December.
Active migration observed in spring and (especially) autumn: in spring 1-4 birds noted on 4 dates from 21st March – 13th April. In autumn noted on 14 dates from 30th September – 11th November with a maximum of 26 on 16th October [PR].
European Greenfinch (Verdier d’Europe) Chloris chloris S M
Common resident breeding in or near the park. 1-6 birds noted daily.
Eurasian Siskin (Tarin des aulnes) Spinus spinus H M
Not present on site in winter. Noted on migration in spring and autumn.
Small numbers observed in spring on 8 dates between 6th February (2, PR) – 17th March (1, DT).
Noted on 7 dates in autumn from 5th October (9, PR) – 6th November (3, PR/DT). Maximum of 28 on 13th October [DT].
European Serin (Serin cini) Serinus serinus S M
Reasonably common resident with 1-2 breeding pairs estimated in or very near the park. Small numbers (usually 1-2 birds) noted irregularly from the beginning of March. Irregular in winter: no records this year in January-February, although observed on site in December [DT].
Singing male noted for the first time on 10th March [DT].
Observed in active migration on just 2 occasions: 4, 14th March [DT] – 2, 5th October [PR].
Eurasian Bullfinch (Bouvreuil pivoine) Pyrrhula pyrrhula S
A discreet but reasonably common resident, breeding inside the park. Small numbers (1-5 birds) seen or heard regularly. Not reported in summer (between 28th May – 15th August). A juvenile present in the Savanna on 1st September [DT].
Hawfinch (Grosbec casse-noyaux) Coccothraustes coccothraustes H M
Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Unlike last year, absent at the beginning of the year. In spring, 1-3 birds noted on northward migration on 5 dates from 21st February – 21st March.
For the past two years it has been suspected that the species might possibly breed in or near the park. As was the case in 2011, several interesting observations were made towards the end of spring [DT]:
27th April – a pair flew over the park from the north and landed in a tree in the Savanna. After approximately 1-2 minutes the male gave the female a peck, and both birds then took off towards the south.
7th May – an individual in local flight at 06h30.
10th May – an individual (apparently a female) perched atop a tree at the Coffee Dome at 08h35. She rested there for 3-4 minutes before taking off towards the Parc Mabille.
17th May – 1 flying over the Cascade at 08h40.
19th June – a pair flying northwards over the Cascade in the early morning.
Not recorded from 19th June- 29th September (the first sighting of the autumn). Thereafter observed on just 2 occasions on migration: 3, 31st October [DT] – 2, 1st November [DT].
Noted twice in winter at the end of the year: 1 on site on 8th December [DT] and 2 flying south on 16th December [PR/DT].
Red Crossbill (Bec-croisé des sapins) Loxia curvisrostra E M
Uncommon and irregular migrant. Noted flying northwards over the park on 3 dates (1 in summer and 2 in autumn).
2, 20th June [DT] - 4, 23rd September [DT] - 2, 23rd October [PR].
Reed Bunting (Bruant des roseaux) Emberiza schoeniclus H M
Rather uncommon and irregular winter visitor. Recorded fairly often in spring and autumn.
1-7 birds noted regularly on migration in spring, often landing in the reed bed at the Mare Perchée. Observed on 18 dates from 29th February – 7th April.
As usual, absent at the end of spring and in summer ; no records between 8th April – 14th October.
In autumn, small numbers noted on 13 dates from 14th October – 15th November.
Noted twice in December: 1, 16th [PR/DT] – 2, 30th [PR].












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